Dr. Helen is a master energy healer trained by The Four Winds. The shamanic practices help you transform into who you know yourself to be and live without the conditioning you’ve picked up in this life.

She loves to cook and tries new recipes often with her husband in their home in Portland, Oregon.



Jay-R is a Spiritual Awakening coach who has mentored under the guidance of The Galactic Historian Andrew Bartzis. His mission is to not only assist those who are awakening, but also guide them towards multiple layers of perception.

He loves music, dabbles in DJing, and currently resides in Los Angeles, California.

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"Awakened in 2017 and still integrating. It gets easier as we go as we're gifted more and more downloads that help us put some of the scattered pieces together. So grateful for your podcast!"


"Your content...It is life changing! I was going through something that I couldn't understand and was so lost. Thank you."
